1 In Baby/ Life

Baby, There’s an App for That

I have a couple of baby-related apps that I found useful during pregnancy & for these first few weeks of mommy-hood.

The first was Baby Bump (click icon to go to download page):

It allows you to input your due date and would keep track of progress and milestones and even add photos.

The second was Contraction Calculator:

It was simple enough to use, just push start when a contraction started and stop when it was over. It keeps track of the lenght of the contractions and the time in between, plus it’s WAY easier than writing everything down especially if contractions are erratic.

Lastly since baby boy’s arrival, I’ve been using Baby ESP:

It keeps track of feedings, diapers, time sleeping and can have reminders set for medicines or pumping sessions among other things. It’s very handy to have when the pediatrician asks how many diapers they have or when you want to know how long baby has been napping so you can know when they might wake up and be hungry. Also it can generate reports so you can see trends in their activity.

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1 Comment

  • Reply
    June 27, 2011 at 11:51 pm

    I was just looking for some new apps! Thanks 🙂

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