I recently send one of my dearest girlfriends her January gift. What’s a January gift? It’s a Christmas gift that never got completed prior to Christmas and once it…
I usually like taking treats to our neighbors at Christmas. So after my holiday party and Hot Cocoa Bar I was able to put together these cute boxes pretty easily. I…
I recently hosted a Mom’s Night Out Holiday party. Since it started at 7:00 I figured most people would have eaten dinner but wanted to have a little something…
We’ve had this chair in the guest bedroom we converted into Baby E’s 2nd nursery (more on that here). It obviously had seen much better days. Since the wood…
This past weekend was my mother’s birthday celebration. Since the party was out of town I couldn’t do much to decorate, so I decided to make a few things small…
Today is the first day of school for our public schools…which means it’s my husband’s first day as an assistant principal with “real students”. Since it’s a very important…
This sewing table used to be my grandmother’s. It’s been in our office, which holds a collection of mismatched furniture, that hopefully I’ll be updating soon. I’m planning on…
A few quicky silhouette projects…a holder for my sketch pens and gift tags for our presents. The cameo can draw anything it can cut which is awesome since I…